Job Description District Treasurer

  • Duties and Qualifications:
  • Maintain District  (DCA) and Coins for Cons (CFC) checking account
  • Gather DCA and CFC contributions, make deposits, write checks and reconcile accounts.
  • Be sure your District is registered with Area 16 and GSO in order to have a District ID number
  • Pay and track DCA and CFC checking account expenses
  • Buy supplies and literature for the both checking accounts. Reimburse members expenses that have been approved by the district.
  • Be sure to safeguard your district’s finances by making sure that the expenses are within the budget determined by the district group conscience. Maintain a prudent reserve for your district.
  • Give financial report
  • Prepare and present a financial report to the district at district meetings. Be able to answer your district’s questions about income and expenses.
  • Treasurer - Bill A
  • Alt. Treasurer - Jim S.
  • Contact your group GSR if you are interested in participating as Treasurer.


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